Slimming Thighs-Buttocks

This thigh-buttocks Slimming training program is based on a training ratio including 50% bodybuilding and 50% cardio. It comprises 60% of basic exercises and 40% of insulation exercises. The loads used will be essentially light. The recommended training frequency is 4 times per week with an average intensity for a session with a maximum duration of 10.


This thigh-buttocks Slimming training program is based on a training ratio including 50% bodybuilding and 50% cardio. It comprises 60% of basic exercises and 40% of insulation exercises. The loads used will be essentially light. The recommended training frequency is 4 times per week with an average intensity for a session with a maximum duration of 10.

Slimming Thighs-Buttocks

Program specifics

Refine buttocks and thighs

This thigh-buttock slimming training program has been established following a perfect balance between cardio and bodybuilding exercises in order to stimulate the positive hormonal response to attack the hormone-causing fats. Indeed, the storage on the bottom of the body and especially the thigh-buttocks depends on the effects of estrogen.

Therefore, it includes 60% of basic exercises targeting essentially the bottom of the body and mobilizing a maximum of energy (squat, slits ...). The remainder being isolation exercises to shape the muscles. The loads used are lightweight so as not to endanger the recovery capabilities put to harm by calorie restriction.

This program is based on 4 weekly sessions including two cardio and two bodybuilding sessions, performed on very separate days, to avoid the overdrive and loss of muscle tissue, maintaining it as a guarantor of high metabolism, More prone to burning stored fats. The use of an intensification technique such as moderate superset allows to increase the volume of training without having to lengthen the duration of the session (and risk causing an increase in cortisol, causing muscular melting).

The rest times will be short to maintain a high intensity.
Good to know ...
The hormones are responsible for the storage on the lower body and the water retention further accentuates this phenomenon.
Do not forget
For best results, follow the free thigh-buttocks diet program at your disposal.

Day One: Cardio

Variable Cardio intensity ...
Practice 15 MN of moderate cardio at 60% of FCM (maximum heart rate), 10 mn of cardio high at 75% of FCM, 15 mn of moderate cardio at 65% of FCM.

Then, practice 5 times a minute of skipping rope: at high intensity with 20 seconds of rest between each.

Day 2: Thighs-buttocks/abs

Muscles Exercises Series Reps Rest
Thighs-Buttocks Squats Bar Vacuum 5 20 90 s
Vacuum Bar Slots 5 15 90 s
Sissy Squat 3 Max 90 s
ABS Crunchs 6 Max 30 s
sheathing (board) 5 To failure 30 s

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Cardio

Variable Cardio intensity ...
Practice 40 to 50 mn of moderate cardio to 60% of FCM. Then, Practice 4 times 90 seconds of high-intensity skipping rope with 30 seconds of rest between each.

Day 5: Cuisses-buttocks/Lumbar/ABS

Muscles Exercises Series Reps Rest
Thighs-Buttocks Bequest-extension/legs curls (SUPERSET) 4 15 2 mn
Raised stretched legs of earth (unlocked) 4 15 90 s
Abductors/drivers (SUPERSET) 4 15 90 s
Lumbar Chest readings at the lumbar bench 4 Max 1 mn
Abs Leg Readings 6 To failure 30 s
Abs sheathing (board) 5 Max 30 s

Day 6 and 7: Repos

Slimming Thighs-Buttocks Slimming Thighs-Buttocks Reviewed by kelli martin on 10/06/2017 Rating: 5

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