Ass like a nut: how to build ass girl?

bodybuilding model workout

We have gathered all the butt exercises that you can practice at home, using minimal equipment. With due diligence, your priest, if she sad, soon cheer you up. Go for a beautiful rear view!


The gluteal muscles of the body is 3 pairs of muscles: large, medium and small gluteal. The gluteus Maximus muscle of the thigh is the largest muscle of the whole body. It starts at the pelvic bone, is attached to the back surface of the femur just below the hip joint. The function of this muscle is to straighten the thigh with a slight rotation outwards. When you commit, it rejects the thigh pelvis back.

Gluteus Medius muscle begins at the gluteal surface of the Ilium, passes into a short, broad tendon and is attached to the big spit hips.
Small gluteal muscle located under the gluteus Medius. The function of all these muscles is abduction of the hip.

Features of training:

Ass like a nut, how to build ass girl

If you have a small pelvis, and you just need to tighten the buttocks and make them firmer, choose exercises with large weights. Practice 2 times a week in between each exercise should take at least 2 days. Do 4-5 sets of 5-8 reps. If you will pursue the pain - do not be alarmed, just take a bath or do cardio.

If you want to make buttocks smaller, give up weights or do exercises with small weights. But will have to deal with 5-6 times a week. Do 5-6 approaches, 18-20 reps.


Raising the pelvis up with the outstretched leg
Lie on the floor, pull the foot up and lift the pelvis by Contracting the muscles. Do 15 reps in each set, 6-8 approaches. Swapping the ass is more effective, the leg can be loaded with weighting with the fraction sold in any sporting goods store).
If the raised leg is hard to do – just lift the pelvis by squeezing the buttocks muscles.

Mahi back and sides (with the bottom of the block or lever machine) Fantastically simple exercise – simply grip the back of the chair and do the Mahi. Just don't wave too fast – on the contrary, it is more efficient to do the swing slowly. Don't rest at the bottom point of the Mach – immediately start the next Mach. At the advanced level in the gym and connect to the lower unit or a simulator for the buttocks.
Lunges forward

The most important exercise for a beautiful butt. For weight loss, they are ineffective because they help to build muscle mass. In their performance work small gluteal muscle and the anterior surface of the femur and tibia. Pick up the dumbbells, stretch your arms along the body and start attacks. You can do them on the spot, and moving forward through room. The wider the step, the more involved gluteus Maximus.


- keep a straight body and back;
- the knee of the backwards leg should touch the floor;
- hands with dumbbells keep parallel to the case.


bodybuilding models, fitness modelThe king of exercises for the butt, squats also tone the quadriceps muscles and the hamstrings. Please update it so: first squat without weight, to avoid sprains and injuries.

Squats technique:

Stand straight with feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Squat, taking his back and buttocks as if sitting down on an invisible chair. Reaching the angle of 90 degrees, rise, also bringing the weight back. Every fourth do squat, pausing for 10-30 seconds at the bottom point.

On the advanced level, pick up a dumbbell or squat with a barbell or bodybare. Weights seriously increase the load. Do 4-5 sets of 10 squats, rest a minute between sets. Squats are done deep, the priest must take you back, back straight. Squat to the lowest possible positions: the lower you squat, the more the squat will involve the buttocks. Feet stay at this width, you can do a deep squat.

When you squat involves the following muscles:

- the quads (quadriceps femoris)
- large gluteal muscle
- the adductor muscles of the thigh
- soleus (lower leg)
- calf muscles
- biceps thigh

And the squats with the weights also works on your abs and back muscles.

So squats - exercise, it is not isolated and not aimed solely on the ass: basic it and trains all at once. So before executing it be sure to do warm up exercises to avoid injuries.

Squats effectively eliminate cellulite and improve the shape of the hips (hips make shallow squats). When performing squats 3-5 times a week results will be noticeable after a month. And the more squats you do, the faster your ass will be tempting!

The bridge (pelvic lifts):

When you perform this exercise put your weight on your hands, then the load will be distributed evenly, and the spinal Department not overexert yourself. Lie on the floor, arms stretched along the body, bend your legs and move them as close as possible to the buttocks. Now lift your pelvis, making the bridge and straining muscles of the buttocks. Can stay in this position if you feel the effect, for example, jitter. Do this exercise "ladder": 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps.

Mahi back on all fours:

Mahi on all fours – a very useful exercise. Just get on all fours and make Mahi back, say, 50 of one and 50 the other foot in the day. Be effective and exercise "ladder: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps. For efficiency you can put yourself under the knee and lift dumbbell up with her, but not quickly, not to drop the dumbbell. Do not relax the muscles of the buttocks.

Kicks to the side from a prone position on his side:

Exercise helps to increase small and medium gluteal muscles. Lie on the floor on his side, back head with her hand. Inhale, lift your leg off the floor, leaving the knee straightened. The leg should be with the body the angle is not more than 70 degrees. Maintaining isometric force, hold your leg, then lower.


You lean back against the wall and sit down as though sitting on an invisible chair. Survive as 30 seconds, then rest and do another 2 sets. Try each day to increase the time by 10 seconds.

Raising the legs on the simulator:

Increased tone thighs, gives them a roundness that is beneficial visually narrows the waist. Exercise tightens and strengthens the muscles of the legs. To perform the exercise, sit on the simulator, take a breath and maximally spread thighs. If the back of the station rejected back to work increasingly included middle gluteal muscle. The vertical position of the backrest operates the top division of a large gluteal muscle. To encompass both beams of the muscles, change the tilt of the back straight during the execution of the approach.

The rise of the hip:

bodybuilding supplements, nutrition, Training

Lie on your stomach, bend feet in knees. On the exhale, lift your legs up, hold this position. Do 2 sets of 15 seconds each.

The tilt in the optic chiasm:

Stand up and crossed his legs. Take the dumbbells and bend forward, keeping your back straight. Then adjust the crossing of feet and repeat.

Lifts with a bent leg:

Lie on your back, straighten one leg and bend the other. In this position, lift your pelvis as high as possible, keeping feet in original position.

Jumping on the hill:

Find stable pedestal height of about 30-40 cm and zaprygnite him. Do 4 sets of 10 reps. If this exercise begins to give you easy, grab a dumbbell or put on leg weights.

Squats with jumping:

Get up to the starting position, feet shoulder width apart, hands behind his head. Sit down to 90-degree angle, then abruptly jump out from this position. Do 4 sets on 12 times.

Sumo squats:

Spread your legs wide, turn the feet forward inner surface, sit down from this position as deeply as possible. Do 4 sets on 12 times. When the exercise will be given to you too easy, grab a dumbbell.

Dead lift:

Stand in position "feet slightly wider than shoulders, use dumbbells or barbell and start to lean down, feeding the body forward and putting the ass back. Do 4 sets of 10 reps. In this exercise, you should not substitute dumbbells for a barbell. Dumbbells allow you to "feel" the muscles of the buttocks clearly. Deadlifts with a barbell strains mainly of muscles-extensors of the back, whereas a dumbbell is forced to work the muscles back of the thigh and gluteal muscles.

The leg press:

Bench platform with their feet - effective exercise for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. To increase the load precisely on the gluteal muscles place your feet closer to the upper edge of the platform. To even increase the efficiency, do the bench press platform with one foot.


Starting position: at the appropriate trainer for hyperextension. Do tilt down to an angle of 90 degrees, then return to the original position. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Deadlifts with weight on one leg:

This exercise helps to shape the buttocks. Stand on one leg, grab the weight and do forward bends. When performing focus on the reduction of namely the gluteal muscles. If after performing exercises back pain - reduce the weight of the kettlebell. Exercise should be done only at the expense of the buttocks, and if exercise is involved again and back, so the weight is taken too large.

Lunges with a barbell:

By doing this exercise, try to lengthen the step so you more will affect gluteal muscles than the quadriceps.

The gluteal bridge with a barbell:

In this exercise, virtually untapped hamstrings and quadriceps, so it is most effectively.

Kargil for elastic priests:

Running or walking on a treadmill "uphill":
Running on a flat surface tends, conversely, to reduce the volume of the buttocks.

Interval training:

Prefer interval training workout with a steady pace. So the fat fast will "oxidize" and the efforts made to give your butt a perfect shape faster will succeed.

Ass like a nut: how to build ass girl? Ass like a nut: how to build ass girl? Reviewed by kelli martin on 5/02/2016 Rating: 5

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