33 the advantage of training with the iron

training with the iron

1. Regular exercise can help you lose weight, particularly fat (the load on the heart is reduced).

2. Your body "learns" to raise to the maximum level of oxygen in the blood, therefore, all the internal organs will get more oxygen. It would be beneficial for their functioning and disease resistance. Vessels become more elastic.

3. Your heart rate at rest will decrease, because the heart will be able to throw the body more blood in a single stroke. Therefore, when you will relax, the heart also will not work unnecessarily active.

4. Blood pressure will decrease or will not be uncontrollable to change. This is especially important for hypertensive patients.

5. Will decrease your odds of mass. It is the ratio of the mass of the body in kilograms to the height in meters. The higher the ratio, the lower the indicators of physical health and longevity.

6. Reduced level of cholesterol.

7. It will reduce the level of fatty acids in the blood.

8. Will increase immunity.

9. In principle decrease the risk of heart disease.

10. Increase insulin sensitivity, prevents development of diabetes.

11. If you are forced to run fast or to climb stairs - the heart won't overexert yourself. This will decrease the possibility of heart attack.

12. Regular exercise will increase your muscle strength.

13. Increase your capacity for prolonged work.

14. Your bones will become richer in minerals that will help to prevent osteoporosis.

15. Will increase stamina.

16. Increase metabolism reduce the risk of obesity.

17. Your body will become less prone to physical injury and damage.

18. Eliminated problems with the joints.

19. Being strong and healthy person, you will be able to live as independent a lifestyle.

20. Your balance and coordination will improve.

21. Will decrease the danger of cancer of the rectum.

22. Will decrease the risk of breast cancer.

23. Regular exercise will reduce your anxiety level.

24. You will be able to more effectively avoid stress.

25. Your confidence and peace of mind will increase.

26. Possible depression is to be transferred much easier.

27. Your appearance will be above all praise.

28. You will learn quickly and deeply to relax, therefore, can enjoy "full force".

29. You will understand the beauty of teamwork, and to adequately evaluate their own strength and their ability to fight and win.

30. If you smoked - you will be much easier to quit this dirty deed.

31. Suffering from migraines get relief.

32. Your sleep will improve, will become deep and relaxed.

33. The immune system will come in order.

33 the advantage of training with the iron 33 the advantage of training with the iron Reviewed by kelli martin on 5/04/2016 Rating: 5

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